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Advise Mantra Consultancy

Tax and Accounting done with the utmost knowledge, Integrity, Trust, Passion and Security. Our Mission is to provide clients with personalized Tax accounting and Consulting Services

Indirect Taxes

Direct Taxes

Company Secretarial

Audit & Other Assistance


At Advise Mantra Consultancy, we believe in doing what we are.

The needs of businesses vary based on their stage of evolution and maturity in their life cycle.

Early Stages: We assist in structuring the business and incorporation, funding, and regulatory and secretarial compliances required for new businesses. We advise on policies and procedures that such businesses may adopt to keep their processes simple and focused on their business goals.

Sustenance Stage: We assist in sustaining the business by carrying out risk assessments and audits—both internal and independent. We understand the operations and provide advice on technology, goods and services tax, income tax, and other relevant regulations.

Expansion Stage: We assist businesses through valuation, due diligence reviews, and raising capital as suited to their business plans.

Exit Stage: We co-create strategies and guide businesses through to closure.

Our intent is to simplify business processes and assume responsibility for our work so that businesses can keep their focus on their core objectives.

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